Synonyms for Express Agreement

When it comes to writing content that is search engine optimized, finding the right words and phrases is crucial. One common phrase that people often search for is “express agreement.” However, it`s important to vary your language and not rely on the same phrase over and over again. Here are some synonyms for “express agreement” to help spice up your writing:

1. Consensus – This term denotes a general agreement among a group of people. For example, “The board reached a consensus that the proposal should be approved.”

2. Concurrence – Similar to consensus, this term refers to a general agreement among multiple parties. “The parties came to a concurrence on the terms of the contract.”

3. Accord – Often used in legal or diplomatic contexts, this term means a formal agreement between two or more parties. “The two nations signed an accord on trade relations.”

4. Approval – This term indicates a positive response to a proposal or idea. “The committee gave their approval for the new project.”

5. Acceptance – This term refers to the act of agreeing to a proposal or idea. “The client expressed their acceptance of the proposed design.”

6. Affirmation – This term denotes a confirmation or validation of a statement or idea. “The witness provided an affirmation of the defendant`s alibi.”

7. Ratification – This term refers to the formal approval of a decision or agreement. “The union ratified the new contract after negotiations.”

By using synonyms for express agreement, you can make your writing more interesting and varied. It`s important to remember, however, that these terms have slightly different connotations and should be used appropriately in context. As always, you should strive to make your writing clear, concise, and engaging for your audience.
