Ona Local 99 Collective Agreement

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Understanding the ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement: Rights, Benefits, and Challenges

If you work in healthcare in Ontario, you may have heard of the ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement. This agreement, negotiated between the Ontario Nurses` Association and the Local Health Integration Network, covers the terms and conditions of employment for nurses and other healthcare professionals who are members of ONA Local 99. In this article, we will discuss some key aspects of the ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement, its significance for healthcare workers, and some of the issues that arise from its implementation.

Rights and Benefits of the ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement

One of the main purposes of any collective agreement is to protect the rights and benefits of the workers who are covered by it. In the case of ONA Local 99, some of the rights and benefits that are guaranteed by the agreement include:

– Job security: The collective agreement provides for a grievance procedure that allows members to challenge any unjust or arbitrary actions by their employer. This helps to prevent unfair termination, demotion, or discipline.

– Competitive compensation: The agreement sets out a wage grid that establishes the minimum and maximum rates of pay for each job classification, based on education, experience, and other factors. The wage grid is subject to periodic adjustments and increases.

– Fair scheduling: The agreement regulates the number of hours of work, the allocation of shifts, and the provision of breaks and rest periods. It also provides for overtime pay, premium pay for night shifts, and other compensation for working under certain conditions.

– Benefits and pensions: The agreement outlines the types and levels of benefits, such as extended health care, dental care, vision care, and life insurance, as well as the eligibility criteria and co-payment rates. It also sets out the rights and obligations of members regarding their pension plan, including contribution rates and retirement benefits.

– Professional development: The agreement recognizes the importance of continuing education and provides for paid leave and funding for courses, conferences, and other learning opportunities that are related to the members` work.

Challenges and Controversies of the ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement

Despite its many benefits, the ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement also faces some challenges and controversies that affect its implementation and interpretation. Some of the issues that have been raised by ONA Local 99 members and others include:

– Staffing levels and workload: The agreement does not explicitly address the issue of staffing levels, which can affect the quality of care and the safety of patients. Some members argue that the workload is too heavy and that they are asked to perform tasks that are outside their scope of practice or that require more resources.

– Outsourcing and privatization: The agreement does not prevent employers from outsourcing or privatizing certain services, which can lead to job loss, lower wages, and reduced benefits for unionized workers. Some members are concerned about the potential impact of these trends on the overall quality of healthcare.

– Gender-based violence and harassment: The agreement contains provisions that address discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace, but some members argue that these issues are not always taken seriously or adequately addressed by employers.

– Equity and diversity: The agreement recognizes the importance of equity and diversity in the workplace and provides for the creation of joint committees to monitor and promote these values. However, some members feel that more needs to be done to ensure that the workplace is truly inclusive and reflective of the diverse communities that they serve.


The ONA Local 99 Collective Agreement is an important tool for protecting the rights and benefits of healthcare workers in Ontario. It provides a framework for fair and transparent employment practices, as well as opportunities for professional development and growth. However, the agreement also faces challenges and controversies that reflect wider social and political trends in the healthcare sector. As such, the ONA Local 99 members and their allies need to remain vigilant and proactive in advocating for their interests and values, and in promoting a healthcare system that is truly responsive, equitable, and sustainable.
