Agreement of the Noun

Agreement of the Noun: A Guide for Clear and Effective Writing

Nouns are the building blocks of language, and ensuring proper agreement of nouns is essential for clear and effective writing. Agreement of the noun refers to the matching of the noun with its accompanying determiners, pronouns, modifiers, and verbs in terms of number, gender, and case. Failure to achieve proper agreement can result in confusion, ambiguity, and grammatical errors. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand and master the agreement of the noun.

Number Agreement

Number agreement refers to matching the noun with its corresponding determiners, pronouns, modifiers, and verbs in terms of singular and plural form. When using a singular noun, the accompanying determiners, pronouns, modifiers, and verbs should also be singular. Likewise, a plural noun requires plural forms of its accompanying elements.

Example 1: The dog barks. (singular agreement – one dog)

Example 2: The dogs bark. (plural agreement – multiple dogs)

Also, when there is a compound noun consisting of multiple elements, we must ensure agreement between the head noun and the modifying noun(s). The modifying noun(s) can either be singular or plural, and they must agree with the head noun`s number.

Example 3: The bookshelves are full of books. (plural agreement – multiple shelves and multiple books)

Example 4: The toothbrushes are in the bathroom. (plural agreement – multiple brushes)

Gender Agreement

Gender agreement refers to matching the noun with its corresponding determiners, pronouns, modifiers, and verbs in terms of masculine, feminine, or neutral gender. In some languages, such as Spanish or French, gender agreement is more apparent as many nouns have gender-specific articles and endings. However, in English, gender agreement is mostly limited to pronouns (he, she, it) and modifiers (his, hers, its). When using a gender-specific pronoun or modifier, we must ensure proper agreement with the gender of the noun.

Example 5: John likes his coffee black. (masculine agreement – John and his)

Example 6: Sarah likes her tea with milk. (feminine agreement – Sarah and her)

Case Agreement

Case agreement refers to matching the noun with its corresponding determiners, pronouns, modifiers, and verbs in terms of the subjective, objective, and possessive case. The subjective case is used for the subject of the sentence, the objective case for the direct and indirect object, and the possessive case for indicating ownership or relationship.

Example 7: The cat chased the mouse. (subjective case – cat)

Example 8: The boy gave the dog a treat. (objective case – dog)

Example 9: The cat`s toy is on the floor. (possessive case – cat`s)


Achieving proper agreement of the noun is crucial for clear and effective writing. It ensures that your sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand. Whether you are writing a professional report, academic paper, or casual email, understanding and mastering the agreement of the noun is essential. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can improve your writing skills and communicate more efficiently.
